Support our Mission

Lancaster Cemetery is a non-profit organization that runs on the skills, efforts, and donations of our friends and neighbors.

You can support our mission in several ways.

Stay in Touch with Social Media

The cemetery thrives when people visit and get involved. The easiest way to get involved is to subscribe to our social media, share with interested friends, and tag us in your own content.

Find us elsewhere online

Join the Newsletter

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Make a Tax Deductible Donation

We are a 501(c)13 non-profit organization. Any donation you make is tax deductible and your donations will be put to use almost immediately.


Our largest annual expense is grounds maintenance, and that’s split between employment expenses and equipment costs. Our part time employee manages a quick pace of 1 acre an hour, walking the mower through the winding maze of monuments. He puts in two long days a week and is supplemented by volunteer labor. All of this effort requires anywhere between 10 and 20 gallons of gas each week along with other equipment maintenance expenses.

Irregular expenses include things like tree maintenance, fence repairs, etc.

Lotholders are responsible for the repair of their monuments, but we try to repair monuments as we have the time and resources to do so. If you’d like to adopt the repair of a specific monument please get in touch to coordinate the effort. We can put you in touch with our conservator for an estimate.

Volunteer with Us

If you visit on a weekend you’ll often see people gardening, picking up limbs and garbage, or resetting fallen tombstones. All of those people are volunteer friends and neighbors, and we welcome new volunteers for one time projects or regular ongoing support.

We’re always on the look out for people with the following skills and interests:

We usually host volunteer work days on the second Saturday of each month, but we’ve paused those events until the COVID-19 pandemic has passed.

In the meantime, reach out if you’d like to volunteer your time.